Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Let's Get Organized

This is ridiculously silly!!! I’m attempting yet again to organize my life. My personal life, my household, my finances – EVERYTHING!!! And here I am wanting to blog about it too. Why? Where am I going to find time to do that? Amongst everything else where in the world am I going to find time to do that?

Okay, back to the question of WHY? I guess there is a part of me that likes to write. A part of me feels that if I truly put it out there it can help me to hold myself accountable. And maybe at the same time I can share this journey with others. I might inspire someone else. I’ll for sure be able to share great tips and tricks that I find along the way. There is just something about blogging that I find fascinating.

Is it a habit I can break or should I just except that I am who I am?
I am now 33 years old. For as long as I can remember I’ve always been slow moving. By that I mean I was always slow to get a jump on things. I was the kid running down the driveway to catch the bus, I was always 5 min. late to class, and I was always the last one out of the locker room after a basketball game. As an adult these behaviors haven’t changed. I’m often 5 min. late for work. I’m super rushed in the mornings, which end up stressing us all out. I’m unorganized in several aspects of my life, and although it bothers me mentally I seem to have a tolerance for the clutter areas in my house. I’m chasing my tail, I’m dizzy, I often feel things could be better.

“Voyage upon life’s sea, to yourself be true, and, whatever your lot may be, paddle your own canoe.”
~Sarah Bolton

Assignment: Week 1, Day 1
1: Identify the areas in my life that are “distractions”. What are my barriers?
2: On the smallest level what change can I make?
3: Decide to make one change and see it through for a whole 7 days.